Adoption of the Tentative 2023-24 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-49709)
An ordinance (Attachment A) adopting the tentative estimates of the amounts required for public expense for operating funds for the City of Phoenix for the fiscal year 2023-24; adopting a tentative budget; setting forth the receipts and expenditures and the amounts estimated as collectible for the fiscal year, and the amount proposed to be raised by direct property taxation for primary and secondary purposes; giving notice of the time and place for hearing taxpayers and for adoption of the budget and fixing the tax levies.
Concurrence/Previous Council Action
This reflects the budget approved by the Council on May 16, 2023 and complies with the requirements set forth in the City Charter and Code and State Statutes. Final adoption is scheduled for June 14, 2023.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by City Manager Jeffrey Barton and the Budget and Research Department.