Phoenix.gov Redesign, Implementation and Ongoing Support Services - RFP 23-025 - Amendment (Ordinance S-51577) - Citywide
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute an amendment to Contract 158869 with J.R. Reingold & Associates, Inc. to modify the scope of work and request additional expenditures. Further request to authorize the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The additional expenditures will not exceed $2,000,000.
This contract provides services related to the modernization and implementation of a new Phoenix.gov website for Citywide departments. The new website will serve as the primary resource for residents, businesses, and tourists, offering a trustworthy, easy-to-navigate, and informative experience. This request will allow the Contractor to add two additional resources to provide enhanced operational and maintenance support. The additional expenditures will fund the additional resources and "Post-Go-Live" ongoing support for operations and maintenance services through the expiration of the contract. The original ordinance covered implementation activities to include, but not be limited to: discovery, research and strategy, content and design, solution development and technology, project management, change management, and training.
This item has been reviewed and approved by the Information Technology Services Department.
Contract Term
The contract term remains unchanged, ending on July 31, 2028.
Financial Impact
Upon approval of $2,000,000 in additional funds, the revised aggregate value of the contract will not exceed $5,000,000. Funds are available in the Information Technology Services Department’s budget.
Concurrence/Previous Council Action
The City Council previously reviewed this request:
- Phoenix.gov Redesign, Implementation and Ongoing Support Services, Contract 158869 (Ordinance S-50057) on July 3, 2023.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Inger Erickson and the Information Technology Services Department.