Citywide Moving Services - RFQu 23-0061 Request for Award (Ordinance S-49726)
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into contracts with Atmosphere Commercial Interiors, LLC; Coleman Worldwide Moving, LLC; Daniels Moving & Storage, Inc.; and Sunshine Moving Company, LLC, to provide Citywide moving services. Further request to authorize the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The total value of the contracts will not exceed $1,892,000.
These contracts will provide comprehensive moving services for all City departments and facilities. These contracts will include services such as packing, loading, transportation, unloading and unpacking of equipment, furniture and supplies. The contracts will also be used to facilitate the relocation of the City of Phoenix Police Department to their newly purchased building.
Procurement Information
A Request for Qualifications procurement was processed in accordance with Administrative Regulation 3.10 to establish a Qualified Vendor List (QVL).
Four offerors submitted qualifications and were deemed to be responsive and responsible. An evaluation committee of City staff evaluated those offers based on the following minimum qualifications:
• Method of Approach
• Experience and Capacity
• Price
After reaching consensus, the evaluation committee recommends award to the following offeror(s):
• Atmosphere Commercial Interiors, LLC
• Coleman Worldwide Moving, LLC
• Daniels Moving & Storage, Inc.
• Sunshine Moving Company, LLC
Contract Term
The contracts will begin on or about June 15, 2023 for a five-year term with no options to extend.
Financial Impact
The aggregate value of the contracts will not exceed $1,892,000. Funding is available in various department budgets.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by City Manager Jeffrey Barton and the Finance Department.