Real Estate Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Relocation Services (Ordinance S-51609) - Citywide
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into contracts with Consultant Engineering, Inc.; Tierra Right of Way Services, LTD; and Overland, Pacific & Cutler, LLC (a TranSystems Company) to provide acquisition, relocation, disposition, and related services on an as-needed basis for the Public Transit Department. Further request to authorize the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The total value of the contracts will not exceed $1,045,560.
These contracts will provide acquisition, relocation, and disposition services required by the Finance Department's Real Estate Division to acquire real property on an as-needed basis for Public Transit Department projects. Contracts with these providers will include terms and conditions mandated by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for projects receiving federal funding. Contracting with multiple firms helps to ensure there are an adequate number of qualified companies available to provide these specialized services when multiple concurrent services are necessary.
Procurement Information
In accordance with City of Phoenix Administrative Regulation 3.10, standard competition was waived as a result of an approved Determination Memo based on the following reason: Special Circumstances Alternative Competition. These services will be directly contracted using Maricopa County’s Cooperative Purchasing Contracts (210250-RFP), which best align with the Public Transit Department's need for acquisition, relocation, disposition, and related services contracts compliant with FTA requirements. Maricopa County's Cooperative Purchasing Contracts for such services were awarded using a competitive process consistent with the City's procurement processes set forth in the Phoenix City Code, Chapter 43.
Contract Term
The contracts will begin on or about February 1, 2025, and will continue through June 30, 2027.
Financial Impact
The aggregate value of the contracts will not exceed $1,045,560. Funding is available in the Public Transit Department's budget.
This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Mario Paniagua and the Public Transit Department.