Public Hearing and Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-16-23-6 - Approximately 790 Feet North of the Northeast Corner of 48th Street and Frye Road (Ordinance G-7158)
Request to hold a public hearing and amend the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance, Section 601, the Zoning Map of the City of Phoenix, by adopting Rezoning Application Z-16-23-6 and rezone the site from RE-35 (Single-Family Residence District) and CP/GCP (Commerce Park District/General Commerce Park Option) to R-3A (Multifamily Residence District) to allow senior housing, assisted living and memory care. This is a companion case and must be heard following GPA-AF-1-23-6.
Current Zoning: RE-35 (0.17 acres) and CP/GCP (4.43 acres)
Proposed Zoning: R-3A
Acreage: 4.60 acres
Proposal: Senior housing, assisted living and memory care
Owner: St. Benedict Catholic Church
Applicant: Shea Connelly Development, LLC
Representative: Adam Trenk, Rose Law Group
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to stipulations.
VPC Action: The Ahwatukee Foothills Village Planning Committee heard this case on July 24, 2023, and recommended approval, per the staff recommendation, by a vote 8-0.
PC Action: The Planning Commission heard this case on Aug. 3, 2023, and recommended approval, per the Ahwatukee Foothills Village Planning Committee recommendation, by a vote of 8-0.
Approximately 790 feet north of the northeast corner of 48th Street and Frye Road.
Council District: 6
Parcel Address: 16035 and 16223 S. 48th St.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Alan Stephenson and the Planning and Development Department.