Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Terminal 3 Recirculation Roadway Improvements - Design-Bid-Build Services - AV14000029 FAA (Ordinance S-51583) - District 8
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to accept Lincoln Constructors Inc. as the lowest-priced, responsive, and responsible bidder and to enter into an agreement with Lincoln Constructors Inc. for Design-Bid-Build Services for the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Terminal 3 Recirculation Roadway Improvements Project. Further request to authorize the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The fee for services will not exceed $1,078,663.
The purpose of this project is to alleviate recurring traffic congestion issues near the western end of Terminal 3 roadways.
Lincoln Constructors Inc.'s services include: civil, traffic, and electrical improvements, such as removing the stop condition from the inner westbound curb lanes at the west end of Terminal 3 on the south side; allowing for a merge condition from two inner curb lanes to one lane and then subsequently merge this one inner lane with two outer curb lanes; modifying striping on the north side of Terminal 3 at the west end to allow for two inner curb lanes entering from Sky Harbor Boulevard; adding additional pavement to allow for a safer merge of the turnaround traffic with the eastbound lanes along Sky Harbor Boulevard at the Terminal 2 turnaround; installing street lighting; and adding fencing and bollards to maintain safety from the updated traffic patterns.
The selection was made using an Invitation for Bids procurement process set forth in Section 34-201 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. Two bids were received on October 29, 2024, and were sent to the Equal Opportunity Department for review to determine subcontractor eligibility and contractor responsiveness in demonstrating responsiveness to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program requirements.
The Opinion of Probable Cost and the two lowest responsive, responsible bidders are listed below:
Opinion of Probable Cost: $988,871.50
Lincoln Constructors Inc.: $1,078,663
HAWK Contracting LLC: $1,474,747
The bid award amount is within the total budget for this project.
Contract Term
The term of the agreement is 210 calendar days from issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Work scope identified and incorporated into the agreement prior to the end of the term may be agreed to by the parties, and work may extend past the termination of the agreement. No additional changes may be executed after the end of the term.
Financial Impact
The agreement value for Lincoln Constructors Inc. will not exceed $1,078,663, including all subcontractor and reimbursable costs.
This project will utilize federal funds and is subject to the requirements of 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 and the U.S. Department of Transportation DBE Program. Funding is available in the Aviation Department's Capital Improvement Program budget. The Budget and Research Department will separately review and approve funding availability prior to execution of any amendments. Payments may be made up to agreement limits for all rendered agreement services, which may extend past the agreement termination.
3400 E. Sky Harbor Boulevard
Council District: 8
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Managers Mario Paniagua and Inger Erickson, the Aviation Department and the City Engineer.