File #: 25-0243   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Meeting Body: City Council Formal Meeting
On agenda: 3/5/2025 Final action: 3/5/2025
Title: Public Hearing and Resolution Adoption - General Plan Amendment GPA-CC-2-24-7 - 7th Avenue Between Washington Street and Jefferson Street (Resolution 22279) - District 7
District: District 7
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Draft Resolution - GPA-CC-2-24-7.pdf, 2. Attachment B - Staff Report - GPA-CC-2-24-7.pdf, 3. Attachment C - VPC Summaries - GPA-CC-2-24-7.pdf, 4. Attachment D - PC Summary - GPA-CC-2-24-7.pdf


Public Hearing and Resolution Adoption - General Plan Amendment GPA-CC-2-24-7 - 7th Avenue Between Washington Street and Jefferson Street (Resolution 22279) - District 7



Request to hold a public hearing on a General Plan Amendment for the following item to consider adopting the Planning Commission's recommendation and the related resolution if approved. Request to amend the ReinventPHX Transit Oriented Development Strategic Policy Framework (and the PlanPHX 2025 General Plan) to update the 7th Avenue / Washington Street / Jefferson Street station area Place Type classification from Medium Urban Center to Downtown Core. This item is a companion case to Z-TA-6-24-7 and must be heard first, followed by Z-TA-6-24-7.




Application: GPA-CC-2-24-7

Current Designation: Medium Urban Center Place Type

Proposed Designation: Downtown Core

Proposal: General Plan Amendment to update the Place Type in the ReinventPHX Transit Oriented Development Strategic Policy Framework (and the PlanPHX 2025 General Plan) for the 7th Avenue / Washington Street / Jefferson Street station area from Medium Urban Center to Downtown Core


Owner: City of Phoenix

Applicant: City of Phoenix, Planning Commission

Representative: Jeff Stapleton, Community and Economic Development Department


Staff Recommendation: Approval, as shown in the recommended text in Exhibit A of the Staff Report.

VPC Information Only: The Central City Village Planning Committee heard this item on December 9, 2024, for information only.

VPC Action: The Central City Village Planning Committee heard this item on January 13, 2025, and recommended approval, per the staff recommendation, by a vote of 10-1.

PC Action: The Planning Commission heard this item on February 6, 2025, and recommended approval, per the Central City Village Planning Committee recommendation, by a vote of 9-0.



7th Avenue between Washington Street and Jefferson Street

Council District: 7

Parcel Address: N/A



Responsible Department

This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Alan Stephenson and the Planning and Development Department.