***REQUEST TO WITHDRAW (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Amendment to the Downtown Redevelopment Area Boundary (Resolution 22280) - District 7
***REQUEST TO WITHDRAW (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Amendment to the Downtown Redevelopment Area Boundary (Resolution 22280) - District 7
Request to adopt a resolution to amend the Downtown Redevelopment Area boundary by removing a City-owned parcel.
The Downtown Redevelopment Area (RDA) was established on January 30, 1979, by Resolution 15128 and has been amended multiple times, most recently on June 8, 2020, by Resolution 21832. The RDA Plan provides a broad framework for the development of the area and lists specific redevelopment objectives. These basic redevelopment objectives include:
Remove substandard, deteriorating and obsolescent buildings.
Encourage physical and economic growth of Downtown Phoenix.
Assemble land into parcels for disposition and redevelopment.
Provide safe, efficient and attractive circulation and access systems to Downtown Phoenix.
Increase the housing supply.
Provide adequate public services and facilities to meet the needs of the downtown area, the City and region.
The City has taken many actions over the years to achieve these objectives. Downtown Phoenix has seen a significant increase in residential housing and new educational and employment opportunities, and is home to many cultural venues and events. One City-owned parcel within the RDA, as depicted in Attachment A and legally described in Attachment B, has met these objectives and can now be removed from the RDA. The removal of this parcel is a minor amendment to the RDA boundary and will not impact any other parcel/property owner.
Financial Impact
There is no impact to the General Fund as a result of this action.
Public Outreach
Public notice is not statutorily required under Arizona Revised Statute 36-1473.
Northeast corner of Central Avenue and Portland Street. Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): 111-36-081A.
Council District: 7
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager John Chan and the Community and Economic Development Department.