Utility Optimization Roadmap Contract RTO 2425-WAD-671 - Request for Award (Ordinance S-51711) - Citywide
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a contract with Arcadis U.S., Inc. to provide a Utility Optimization Roadmap for the Water Services Department. Further request to authorize the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The total value of the contract will not exceed $995,455.
This contract will provide the Water Services Department with consulting services to assist with creating a Utility Optimization Roadmap to move the organization forward with data collection, data management, and data optimization for business processes and prioritizing water-owned systems to efficiently and effectively manage the future state of the utility.
Procurement Information
A Request for Qualifications procurement was processed in accordance with City of Phoenix Administrative Regulation 3.10.
Four vendors submitted proposals. Three vendors were deemed to be responsive to the posted specifications and responsible to provide the required services. An evaluation committee of City staff evaluated those offers based on the following criteria with a maximum possible point total of 1000:
Method of Approach (0-480 points)
Experience (0-315 points)
Cost (0-205 points)
After reaching consensus, the evaluation committee recommends award to the following vendor:
Arcadis U.S., Inc., 816.50 points
Contract Term
The contract will begin on or about March 1, 2025, for a five-year term with no options to extend.
Financial Impact
The aggregate contract value will not exceed $995,455.
Funding is available in the Water Services Department's operating budget.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Ginger Spencer and the Water Services Department.