File #: 25-0187   
Type: Ordinance-S Status: Adopted
Meeting Body: City Council Formal Meeting
On agenda: 3/5/2025 Final action: 3/5/2025
Title: Office Supplies and Service Contract - COOP-25-0513 Request for Award (Ordinance S-51703) - Citywide
District: Citywide


Office Supplies and Service Contract - COOP-25-0513 Request for Award (Ordinance S-51703) - Citywide



Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into contracts with ODP Business Solutions, LLC and Wist Supply & Equipment Co. dba Wist Business Supplies & Equipment to provide office supplies and service for the Citywide departments. Further request to authorize the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The total value of the contracts will not exceed $8,300,000.




These contracts will provide the City with office supplies, which support the needs of the City's employees, facilities, and warehouses and the public. Office supplies include but are not limited to adhesives, binders, book cases, garbage bags, dusters, notebooks, pens, and other miscellaneous supplies set forth in the contracts and required for the City to remain operational on a daily basis.


Procurement Information

In accordance with Administrative Regulation 3.10, standard competition was waived as a result of an approved Determination Memo based on the following reason: Special Circumstances Alternative Competition. The contracts were awarded through a competitive process consistent with the City's procurement processes, as outlined in Phoenix City Code, Chapter 43. By utilizing the State of Oregon's National Association of State Procurement Officials Master Agreement (NASPO), the City benefits from the NASPO cooperative contract rates adopted through the State of Arizona Participating Agreement.


Contract Term

The contract will begin on or about April 1, 2025, for a five-year term with no options to extend.


Financial Impact

The aggregate value of the contracts will not exceed $8,300,000 for the five-year aggregate term.


Funding is available in the various departments' operating budgets.



Responsible Department

This item is submitted by City Manager Jeffrey Barton and the Finance Department.