File #: 24-2949   
Type: Ordinance-S Status: Adopted
Meeting Body: City Council Formal Meeting
On agenda: 3/5/2025 Final action: 3/5/2025
Title: Kitchen Hood Systems Maintenance and Repairs Contract IFB 25-FMD-033 - Request for Award (Ordinance S-51690) - Citywide
District: Citywide


Kitchen Hood Systems Maintenance and Repairs Contract IFB 25-FMD-033 - Request for Award (Ordinance S-51690) - Citywide



Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a contract with A P Fire Protection LLC to provide inspection, testing, maintenance, and repair of kitchen hood fire suppression systems for multiple departments. Further request to authorize the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The total value of the contract will not exceed $2,500,000.




This contract will provide inspection, testing, maintenance, and repair of kitchen hood suppression systems for multiple departments. The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining these systems for various departments, including the Fire, Parks and Recreation, and Human Services departments.


Procurement Information

An Invitation for Bid was processed in accordance with City of Phoenix Administrative Regulation 3.10. Four vendors submitted bids deemed to be responsive to posted specifications and responsible to provide the required services. Following an evaluation based on price, the procurement officer recommends award to the following vendor:


Selected Bidder:

A P Fire Protection LLC: $6,390


Other Bidders:

RCI Systems, LLC: $6,995

Hiller Companies, LLC: $7,995

Fire Protection Service Corp dba Copperstate Fire Protection: $23,550


Contract Term

The contract will begin on or about March 5, 2025, for a three-year term, with two one-year options to extend.


Financial Impact

The aggregate contract value will not exceed $2,500,000. Funding is available in the Public Works Department's operating budget.



Responsible Department

This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Mario Paniagua and the Public Works Department.