City of Phoenix 2024 Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team Report - Citywide
The Human Services Department and Police Department co-chair an effort to produce an annual Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team (DVFRT) report based on a review of a fatal or near fatal domestic violence incidents. Domestic Violence Fatality Review Teams are authorized by A.R.S. 41-198 which provides guidance on team membership and protections for confidential information. Members are appointed to the Team by the City Manager.
The purpose of the DVFRT is to develop "findings and recommendations as to how fatal or near fatal incidents of domestic violence may be prevented and how the system can be improved." These case studies result in the identification of gaps in services and recommendations for system improvement.
The 2023/24 Phoenix DVFRT Team members examined a near fatal incident in Phoenix from 2022 involving a married heterosexual couple. The resulting attempted murder charge met the "near-fatal" criteria, and the case had been fully adjudicated.
Team members interviewed the victim and a witness to the attack. This yielded valuable insights into the nature of the relationship between the victim, suspect and the witness, including the impact of the pandemic and the resulting lockdown which followed. The victim and witness recounted the unforeseen stress the lockdown imposed on the family and the abrupt changes in the suspect's behavior. Team members were able to explore the victim and witnesses' progress towards recovery in the two years which had passed since the attack.
Attachment A list five recommendations made by the Team which will fill system gaps and improve services to crime victims:
- Police and Fire Departments to establish protocols for Crisis Response Team response to Domestic Violence calls.
- Medical providers to create Protocols for medical follow-up in the weeks after victimization.
- Human Services and Fire Departments to advocate for training for Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics related to strangulation.
- Human Services and Police Departments to amend data collection protocol to include "Strangulation/Impeding Breathing".
- Human Services Department to refine Victim Services case management protocols.
The last recommendation has been fully implemented. Resolution on the full list will be handled by the 2025 DVFRT.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Gina Montes and the Human Services Department.