Specialized Equipment, Piping, and Infrastructure Coatings Construction Administration and Inspection Services Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant and 23rd Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant - Amendment - WS90200056, WS90200053, WS90300009, and WS90300011 (Ordinance S-51698) - Districts 2 & 7
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute an amendment to Agreement 146955 with Arcadis U.S., Inc. to provide continuous construction administration and inspection services for the Specialized Equipment, Piping, and Infrastructure Coatings Construction Administration and Inspection Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant and 23rd Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. Further request to authorize execution of amendments to the agreement as necessary within the Council-approved authority as provided below.
The purpose of this Project is to conduct an assessment and inspection services for the application of protective coatings, piping, and manholes for collection systems, lift stations, and at the Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant.
This amendment is necessary due to the remaining fund capacity on the contract as the Project was put on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions. This amendment will provide additional time to the agreement.
Contract Term
The term of the agreement amendment is three years from the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Work scope identified and incorporated into the agreement prior to the end of the term may be agreed to by the parties, and work may extend past the termination of the agreement. No additional changes may be executed after the end of the term.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to this project.
General Location: Cave Creek and Deer Valley roads and 22nd Avenue and W. Lower Buckeye Road.
Districts: 2 and 7
Concurrence/Previous Council Action
The City Council approved:
• Construction Administration and Inspection Agreement 146955 (Ordinance S-44261) on February 21, 2018; and
• Construction Administration and Inspection Agreement 146955 Amendment (Ordinance S-49660) on May 3, 2023.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Assistant City Manager Inger Erickson, Deputy City Manager Ginger Spencer, the Water Services Department and the City Engineer.