NSD-RFP-25-001 Request for Award - Consulting Services for HUD Consolidated Plan 2025-29, Annual Action Plan 2025-26, Citizen Participation Plan Update, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Study (Ordinance S-51494) - Citywide
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a contract with Civitas, LLC to provide consulting services for the development of the 2025-29 Consolidated Plan, the 2025-26 Annual Action Plan, Citizen Participation Plan Update, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Study. Further request authorization for the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item.
The 2025-29 Consolidated Plan will contain the requirements for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs that provide critical funds to address housing and community development needs to entitlement cities like Phoenix each year. The four programs highlighted in the Consolidated Plan are: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).
The hired consultant will ensure crucial housing and community development needs are identified through comprehensive research, planning and public input. During the development of the Consolidated Plan, residents and community leaders will have the opportunity to offer input on housing, homelessness, social services, and community development needs for the five-year planning period. This information, along with other assessments, will form the basis of the five-year Consolidated Plan.
The 2025-26 Annual Action plan will describe how funds will be used to address the priorities and achieve the goals outlined in the first year of the five-year Consolidated Plan, while the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Study will help identify obstacles to fair housing.
Draft versions of the Consolidated Plan, the Annual Action Plan, Citizen Participation Plan updates, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Study will be shared for a 30-day public comment period to solicit input on the draft document. Council will be asked to review and approve the draft Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, Citizen Participation Plan updates, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Study to submit to HUD by May 15, 2025.
Procurement Information
A Request for Proposals was issued on October 17 for a consultant to perform the Consolidated Plan activities. The solicitation closed on November 4 with two proposals received by the deadline. One proposal was deemed non-responsive by the Procurement Officer. The remaining proposal, submitted by Civitas, LLC, meets the solicitation requirements and is recommended for contract award.
Contract Term
The contract term will be one year, with two, one-year options to renew, and will be effective on or about January 1, 2025.
Financial Impact
The aggregate value of the contract will not exceed $250,000. HUD CDBG funds will be utilized, and there is no impact to the General Fund.
Public Outreach
Federally required citizen participation requirements will be met and will be posted to www.phoenix.gov/yourvoice as the central source of information for the public. Postings may include surveys, plans, videos, fact sheets, FAQs, and a calendar of events. Additionally, the following outreach requirements will also be incorporated into the citizen participation process:
- Special effort to include members of minority, immigrant, disabled communities, residents of public and assisted housing, and non-profits.
- Communication in multiple languages and formats.
- Public Engagement Sessions; Individual/group stakeholder interviews.
- Social media, City newsletters, press releases, and neighborhood events.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Managers Alan Stephenson and Gina Montes, the Neighborhood Services and Housing departments, and the Office of Homeless Solutions.