***ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** (CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 5, 2025) - Public Hearing and Ordinance Adoption - Rezoning Application Z-119-24-2 - Southeast Corner of 56th Street and Shea Boulevard (Ordinance G-7359) - District 2
Request to hold a public hearing and amend the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance, Section 601, the Zoning Map of the City of Phoenix, by adopting Rezoning Application Z-119-24-2 and rezone the site from RE-43 (One-Family Residence) to C-O/G-O (Restricted Commercial, General Office Option) to allow office.
Current Zoning: RE-43
Proposed Zoning: C-O/G-O
Acreage: 2.59
Proposal: Office
Owner: Ronald Urman, 56 & Shea Holdings, LLC
Applicant/Representative: Jason Morris, Withey Morris Baugh P.L.C.
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to stipulations.
VPC Action: The Paradise Valley Village Planning Committee was scheduled to hear this item on December 2, 2024, for recommendation; however, there was no quorum.
PC Action: The Planning Commission heard this item on January 2, 2025, and recommended approval, per the staff recommendation, with two additional stipulations, by a vote of 6-2.
Southeast corner of 56th Street and Shea Boulevard
Council District: 2
Parcel Address: 10425, 10433, 10437, and 10455 N. 56th Street
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Alan Stephenson and the Planning and Development Department.