Fleet Vehicle Accessories and Installation, Including Police Up-Fitting Contract - IFB 24-FSD-013 - Request for Award (Ordinance S-50153)
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into separate contracts with Airwave Communications Enterprises, Arizona Emergency Products, Inc., Hyper Customs, LLC dba Arizona Truck Pros, Automotive Custom Lighting, LLC, Don Chalmers Ford Inc. dba MHQ of Arizona, J.B. Poindexter & Co, Inc. dba Reading Truck Equipment, Kenco OR, LLC dba LSH Lights, Pride Outfitting, LLC, to provide fleet vehicle accessories and installation, as well as vehicle up-fitting. Further request to authorize the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The total value of the contracts will not exceed $17,214,600.
The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining a fleet of 7,300 vehicles and pieces of equipment and up-fits vehicles for departments Citywide and this contract will provide the ability to purchase and install accessories. The Aviation Department also manages their fleet of about 450 vehicles and will use for the same purpose. These contracts provide for essential up-fitting and vehicle installations for City fleet including tool boxes, bed liners, lift gates, auxiliary lighting, prisoner cages, etc. Due to the volume and variety of up-fitting requirements, an outside provider has been used historically to manage these services.
Procurement Information
An Invitation for Bid procurement was processed in accordance with City of Phoenix Administrative Regulation 3.10. The Public Works Department, Procurement Section received nine offers over the various two groups, with eight deemed responsive and responsible. Group I - Police Up-fitting; Group II - Fleet Accessories to include bid items for Lighting, Push Bumpers, Truck Accessories, Cargo Management Systems, Lift Gates, Truck Cranes and Bed Covers. Group I - Police Up-fitting was based on a total cost of seven Police vehicle up-fits, with Group II having vendors provide a percentage discount or mark-up on accessories. Due to the high volume of fleet vehicles needing accessories and up-fitting, it is recommended that all bids received be awarded to manage the volume and expedite service for customers. Groups are awarded as follows:
Group I - Airwave Communications Enterprises, Arizona Emergency Products, Inc., MHQ of Arizona, LSH Lights, Pride Outfitting, LLC
Group II
Bid Item 1- Airwave Communications Enterprises, Arizona Emergency Products, Inc., Arizona Truck Pros, Automotive Custom Lighting, LLC, MHQ of Arizona, Reading Truck Equipment, LSH Lights, Pride Outfitting, LLC
Bid Item 2 - Airwave Communications Enterprises, Arizona Emergency Products, Inc., Arizona Truck Pros, Automotive Custom Lighting, LLC, MHQ of Arizona, Reading Truck Equipment, LSH Lights, Pride Outfitting, LLC
Bid Item 3 - Airwave Communications Enterprises, Arizona Emergency Products, Inc., Arizona Truck Pros, Automotive Custom Lighting, LLC, MHQ of Arizona, Reading Truck Equipment, LSH Lights, Pride Outfitting, LLC
Bid Item 4 - Arizona Emergency Products, Inc., Arizona Truck Pros, Reading Truck Equipment, LSH Lights, Pride Outfitting, LLC
Bid Item 5 - Arizona Emergency Products, Inc., Arizona Truck Pros, Reading Truck Equipment, Pride Outfitting, LLC
Bid Item 6 - Reading Truck Equipment, Pride Outfitting, LLC
See Attachment A for full bid recommendations.
Contract Term
The contracts will begin on or about Oct. 1, 2023 for an initial three-year term with two one-year options to extend in increments of up to one year, for a total contract term of five years.
Financial Impact
The value of the contracts will not exceed $17,214,600.
Funds are available in the Aviation and Public Works departments' budgets.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Mario Paniagua, and the Aviation and Public Works departments.