Portland Cement Concrete Repair - 2-Step Job Order Contracting Services - JOC232 (Ordinance S-51704) - Citywide
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into separate master agreements with the four contractors listed in Attachment A, to provide portland cement concrete repair job order contracting (JOC) services Citywide for the Street Transportation Department. Further request to authorize execution of amendments to the agreements as necessary within the Council-approved expenditure authority as provided below, and for the City Controller to disburse all funds related to this item. The total fee for all services will not exceed $65 million.
Additionally, request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to take all action as may be necessary or appropriate and to execute all design and construction agreements, licenses, permits, and requests for utility services relating to the development, design, and construction of the project. Such utility services include, but are not limited to: electrical, water, sewer, natural gas, telecommunications, cable television, railroads, and other modes of transportation. Further request the City Council to grant an exception pursuant to Phoenix City Code 42-20 to authorize inclusion in the documents pertaining to this transaction of indemnification and assumption of liability provisions that otherwise should be prohibited by Phoenix City Code 42-18. This authorization excludes any transaction involving an interest in real property.
The contractors' JOC services will be used on an as-needed basis to provide portland cement concrete repair services, including but not limited to: setting up and taking down traffic control devices in accordance with the City of Phoenix Traffic Barricade Manual; excavating, preparing subgrade, setting concrete forms to match existing grade and drainage elevations, and pouring and finishing concrete valley gutters with and without aprons, curb and gutter, alley and driveway entrances, and sidewalk to match existing elevations and drainage; forming to fit field conditions, and pouring and finishing American Disabilities Act compliant concrete sidewalk ramps, including the installation of detectable warnings; replacing asphalt concrete pavement to match existing asphalt pavement and new concrete; adjusting utility junction boxes and manhole and hand hole covers; and performing other services as may be required in accordance with the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), Phoenix Supplement to MAG, and/or field designated to retrofit existing conditions within the dedicated public right-of-way on major arterial, collector, local, and industrial streets within Phoenix's city limits. Additionally, the JOC contractors will be responsible for fulfilling requirements of the Small Business Enterprise Program.
Procurement Information
The selections were made using a two-step qualifications and price-based selection process set forth in Section 34-604 of the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.). In accordance with A.R.S. Section 34-604(H), the City may not publicly release information on proposals received or the scoring results until an agreement is awarded. Eleven firms submitted proposals and are listed in Attachment A.
Contract Term
The term of each master agreement is for up to five years, or until an aggregate expenditure of up to $16,250,000, whichever occurs first. Work scope identified and incorporated into the master agreement prior to the end of the term may be agreed to by the parties, and work may extend past the termination of the master agreement. No additional changes may be executed after the end of the term.
Financial Impact
The master agreement value for each of the JOC contractors will not exceed $16,250,000, including all subcontractor and reimbursable costs. The total fee for all services will not exceed $65 million.
Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute job order agreements performed under these master agreements for up to $3 million each. In no event will any job order agreement exceed this limit without Council approval to increase the limit.
Funding is available in the Street Transportation Department’s Capital Improvement Program budget. The Budget and Research Department will review and approve funding availability prior to issuance of any job order agreement. Payments may be made up to agreement limits for all rendered agreement services, which may extend past the agreement termination.
Public Outreach
The public will be notified on each project, if notification is required.
Responsible Department
This item is submitted by Assistant City Manager Inger Erickson, the Street Transportation Department and the City Engineer.