File #: 25-0244   
Type: Ordinance-S Status: Adopted
Meeting Body: City Council Formal Meeting
On agenda: 3/5/2025 Final action: 3/5/2025
Title: Amend Contracts with Gordon C. James Public Relations, Inc. and Phoenix IG, LLC - Contracts 160200 and 162011 - Metro District (Ordinance S-51708) - District 1
District: District 1


Amend Contracts with Gordon C. James Public Relations, Inc. and Phoenix IG, LLC - Contracts 160200 and 162011 - Metro District (Ordinance S-51708) - District 1



Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to amend the not to exceed amount of Contract 160200 with Gordon C. James Public Relations, Inc. (Consultant) to $375,000. Consultant provides community organizing services for the Metro District Community Collaboration (Metro District) 501(c)(3) organization. Staff also requests further authorization to amend Contract 162011 with Phoenix IG, LLC (Developer), or its designee, for cost sharing purposes and authorization to receive and disburse funds related to this item. Further request to authorize the City Treasurer to accept, and the City Controller to disburse, all funds related to this item. There is no impact to the General Fund.




In March 2024, City Council authorized staff to contract with the Consultant for a one-year contract, with two one-year renewal options, for a maximum value of $125,000 (Ordinance S-50656). With the same action, City Council also authorized staff to receive funding from the Developer to equally share the costs of the Consultant's contract. This funding was intended for the initial year of the contract.


The Consultant has satisfactorily performed the scope of work included in the contract to enhance public safety and build business relationships as well as market and promote the Metro District. Furthermore, the Consultant has filed a 501(c)(3) application for the Metro District with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, which should be finalized this year allowing for tax deductible contributions to the non-profit. For these reasons, staff and the Developer wish to exercise the option for the next year of the Consultant's contract, beginning April 8, 2025, and receive authorization to add $250,000 of payment authority for a new $375,000 total aggregate contract amount. The original contract authority and renewal options will remain the same, with all contract options expiring April 7, 2027. The Developer will continue to share 50 percent of the contract costs with the City under the funding agreement.


Over the final two option years of the contract, the Consultant will work to execute a fundraising plan with the goal of making the non-profit financially self-sufficient without City support.


Contract Term

The initial one-year term of the contract expires on April 7, 2025. There are two one-year renewal options.


Financial Impact

The aggregate contract value will not exceed $375,000. A total of 50 percent of the funds are available in the Downtown Community Reinvestment Fund, with an additional 50 percent of funds contributed by the Developer. Developer will pay its contribution directly to the City.


Concurrence/Previous Council Action

City Council approved contracts 160200 and 162011 (Ordinance S-50656) on March 6, 2024.



The Metro District boundaries are: Peoria Avenue, Interstate 17, Dunlap Avenue and 31st Avenue

Council District: 1



Responsible Department

This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager John Chan and the Community and Economic Development Department.